Surely, using Microsoft Word is harder to write in Indonesian than in English. The reason is that this word processor uses only English and Spanish as its default languages. Indonesian is not included as the language that is compatible there. When you are writing in Indonesian, there are many words that are considered as typo. The word processor will automatically correct those words by changing them using standard English.
For example, if you write ‘datang’, Ms Word will process it and your typing will appear ‘dating’ on screen. Another word that is incorrectly recognized as English is ‘bisa’. You will see the word ‘bisa’ will change into ‘bias’. And the list goes on.
Due to the above factor, writing in English is literally faster than writing in Indonesian. Oh, typing I mean. It makes the chance to write more article open wider. If you are a content writer, the more words you can write, the higher income you can get.
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